Unlock Virtual Vision Board

By Unlock (other events)

Friday, December 18 2020 7:30 PM 9:30 PM CDT


Hello Ladies,

Finally It's that time again! Join us for our next Unlock!


“Unlock”: to undo the lock of something by using a key.

Our mission is to create an enviroment where women can come together to eat, drink, and fellowship amongst each other. We want to bring together women from different walks of life, like you, your girlfriends and their girlfriends. 

Unlock creates an enviroment that encourage women to open their hearts, heal, forgive, dream and be restored, all while enjoying some delicious food and great conversations. 

Vision Board Virtual Event 

It's been awhile we hope you all are staying safe! We are very excited to introduce our first virtual vision board event. It will be a different not seeing your beautiful faces in person, but wanted to connect with you all and create our vision board for 2021. We look forward to seeing you ladies on December 18th! Grab your girlfriends and let's create our vision boards for 2021.

Supplies Ideas

Canvas board, magazines, glue or tape your choice, stickers, siccsors, and whatever else you choose to add on your board

Meeting ID 985 964 0410 Passcode :951842